Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I wish I could say it was MORE of the same

Life just never stops. And for as many times as I've learned this lesson, I forget it all over again and constantly am in a state of shock when life gets in the way and my goals seem to slowly come to a stall.

Well, the last several weeks have been no exception. Between visiting my family in Montana to adjusting my mindset to the move we'll have to go through in January, my visits to the base gym have been few and far between. I've been telling Scott more and more often lately to help motivate me by kicking me out of the house in the evening once we've got Violet's last bottle feeding under way. And his attempts have been successful for the few times I request his actions. I guess I'll have to have him do this EVERY night (or at least every other) rather than just when I remind him. But motivation comes slllllooooooowww.

Last night I did go out to the gym and spent half an hour on the bike, which, sadly, is the longest time I've spent doing cardio in a very long while. The media distractions helped tremendously. There are tv's available at every bike, elliptical and treadmill and I was able to flip on the Raiders/Broncos game.

The last little boost I got was the last song to play on my iShuffle. I love Weezer already, but this song really makes me happy =)