In almost all of the titles of my other blog (Finding the Comfort Zone) I use lyrics to songs. One of these days I'll go through all of the past entries and credit the songs
I mention this because in this blog, I rarely do unless I KNOW what song I want to do. Today, it's OK Go's "Here It Goes Again." (video here!)
Last night I was spending my last few waking moments looking up the band's videography and was having a great time You Tube'ing the videos. Most of the songs were so upbeat and catchy, I decided today's playlist was going to be just their stuff and I would vary my pace accordingly. I must say, it worked rather well.
Today's workout was only 15 min (plus the walk time to the gym and back, which is basically just a warm up/cool down), but I wanted to do at least a little instead of none at all. My result:
Shake of the day:
-Strawberry Shakeology
-Vanilla Special K To Go
-Frozen strawberries
-Spinach cube
- 1/2 c coffee
Just a short entry today to keep me honest, engaged and from thinking of the bug that was crawling on my neck for who knows how long until I flicked it off thinking it was sweat. **shudder**
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